Tales from the Whale - alphawhale - a data-driven pod

Smashing a PB in digital growth for BodyScience

Written by Emma Kelly | Sep 30, 2021 8:11:34 AM

Using HubSpot frameworks and tools such as audience ad management integrations, a dedicated IP sender address and customer segmentation, alphawhale increased BodyScience's revenue by 41% within 4 months.

The Challenge


Since its inception in 1999, BodyScience (BSc) has earned the title of Australia’s leading supplement store on a mission to research, formulate and manufacture health, fitness and lifestyle sports nutrition, along with specialist sports compression and sportswear.

To ensure future growth for the business, BSc turned to alphawhale to devise an overall PPC marketing strategy and assist with various mixed marketing campaigns that would generate greater brand awareness and deliver scalable results for their eCommerce store.

Main challenges we identified for BSc included: 

  • The average email open rate below industry standard at 11%. Additionally, sender score reputation was low and needed to be engaged with to increase open and click-through rates.
  • Design and content solutions needed focus within the email and other mixed marketing campaigns to create a consistent brand voice and identity.
  • The paid channel marketing mix was aligned with unconsidered amounts of budget in the wrong areas, meaning they were over-investing in underperforming channels. 
  • Greater personalisation and segmentation were needed to address their audience to increase reach and achieve overall growth for BSc.

The Solution


BSc was the perfect example of what alphawhale can achieve employing the HubSpot tools and the flywheel, focusing across these central areas:


Attract - Leveraging Hubspot ad audience management - which is more important than ever in a cookieless environment - we rebuilt BSc's accounts within Google Ads and Facebook Ad Manager to structure ad campaigns with relevant targeting and segmentation. Our team identified opportunities for best-performing product categories to segment their shopping campaigns and remarket to these audiences, optimising spend to drive higher conversion rates. 


Engage - our team performed an email health check which identified the main challenges. After moving them across from their previous email marketing software to HubSpot and creating a dedicated IP sending address, we performed a database cleanup, exploring ways to increase sender score reputation. As a creative agency, we ideated design and copy solutions to appeal to their target audiences while working with Hubspot segmentation to create workflow automation that addressed consumer's behaviors. Through appointing Hubspot's personalisation tokens and A/B tests, we found subject lines which drove their audience, determining opens and which email content was driving overall engagement and sales.


Delight - Once we began learning and testing campaigns, with an overall focus on reporting on attribution, we discovered which levers had the fastest outcome. With this knowledge, more budget was allocated into growth-driven channels to promote a plan for rapid growth, alongside a long-term strategy focusing on scalability and cost-efficiency.


The Results

Most notably, we have increased BSc revenue by 41% within as little as 4 months, with a lot more growth planned within the next 12 months. 

Employing the HubSpot flywheel and tools has demonstrated how important they are to allow for better overall growth and conversion. 


Key statistics which have contributed to this success include: 

  • When we first began working with BSc, as stated, their average email open rate was 11%. Metrics for this have increased by more than double, with the current average now benchmarked at 25-28%.
  • Cost-per-thousand impressions decreased significantly by more than half the previous period, meaning we were to double the reach for the brand at the same cost. This demonstrated the importance of testing and learning to set the right amount of budget into the correct channels and campaigns. 
  • Our first key project for BSc was their EOFY campaign in June. Our marketing efforts resulting in their biggest sale on record. 

  • New customer acquisition improved by 38% from the previous period. As awareness and reach continually increases, the new measures we have set up will nurture these customers through each stage of the funnel, fueling future growth.

The Impact 


BSc founder, Greg Young, emphasised the importance of aligning with an agency that reflects the shared value of being passionate about what they do each day. Their team has outsourced to some of the biggest agencies, which have overpromised and underdelivered. Greg highlighted how refreshing it has been working with our team who quickly understood the needs of his business, their products and especially the customers. This helped us to exceed performance goals they have not been able to meet in the past.



The alphawhale crew loves collaborating with the BSc team and being a part of their journey. In addition to the astonishing account wins achieved, we have seen the brand bring out exciting new product lines and engage with a vast range of community initiatives.


alphawhale chooses to align ourselves with clients that share our values, such as BodyScience - a catalyst in creating true impact for people and the planet. Continuing this long-lasting partnership will allow us to smash many more PB's! We are confident we will deliver our best results next quarter and into 2022. Watch this space!